While staying well-hydrated is a general knowledge for anyone, this subject is all the more relevant during summers, especially for runners. Increased heat, increased sweat, and increased fatigue are the three nuisances that runners face the most during the hot days.

A runner’s body is best functional when it is seeking equilibrium, and being well-hydrated during the summer season is an easy process to get around, if you know certain tricks. They will not only help you as a runner to stay adequately hydrated, but can also help enhance your endurance and strength. Let’s take a more in-depth look at how you can adequately stay hydrated while running during this season.

1. When to Drink

A runner’s diet is a meticulously planned program, with a fixed timetable. The same applies to the liquid diet during the summers for proper hydration. Here’s when you should hydrate yourself:

  • Before Running / Exercising – Drink small amounts of water or sports drink an hour before your workout or run.
  • While Running / Exercising – Don’t wait till you are thirsty to drink while you’re working out. This is a sign of your body already being dehydrated. Keep consuming small portions of liquid (10-20 ml) every 10-15 minutes.
  • After Running – Complete rehydration of the body takes time, especially during summers, as a normal body is capable of absorbing only 75 cal per hour. Hence, take your weight before you go for a run, and recheck it after your run. Multiply the weight lost during your session by 1.5, and consume that much amount of liquid progressively

2. Don’t Just Consume Water, Also Drink Electrolytes

Optimum hydration of the body largely depends upon how much electrolytes you’re consuming. Drinking electrolytes not only maintains the sodium level in your body, but it also stimulates thirst by retaining fluids in the body. Moreover, it leads to less sweating, which is a primary cause of dehydration. Hence, the water and electrolyte intake must be regulated and be kept a check on.

3. Keep the Fluids at Hand

Whether you’re using a handheld bottle, a running hydration vest, or a waist belt, it is imperative that you always have your choice of liquid accessible. It will help you in maintaining your momentum while running, and prevent any unnecessary stops that may meddle with your routine.

4. Don’t Overhydrate Yourself

While rare in normal humans bodies, over-hydration is a situation that is usually faced by long-distance runners. Drinking more fluids than required can lead to excessive hydration. To prevent this from happening, drink fluids in small amounts every 15-20 mins, and assess your sweat loss after running to see how much water your body has lost. Also, keep the salt levels in your body stable by drinking sports drinks or electrolytes to keep uncurbed sweating at bay.


Summers could be over-demanding for runners, but staying properly hydrated can help them jump over most of the hurdles, and enjoy seamlessly long runs. Be vigilant about your health and keep yourself adequately hydrated, and you’ll have rewarding runs during the summer!

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