Meat-free and dairy-free is the dietary lifestyle of an active vegan. Many people might wonder what the elimination of these twomajor food groups might entail for them. However, nutritional balancing in a vegan diet is quite convenient to achieve. For vegans who are intorunning, maintaining a nutritional balance to accommodate the loss of not consuming protein-rich meat and mineral-rich dairy products might seem intimidating. This is why we have built a conveniently adaptable and fuelling guide for a perfect vegan diet for runners.

Consuming Protein Substitutes

To substitute meat in the diet, vegan runners must consume other food groups that can help in accommodating for protein consumption from meat. As long as protein is being supplemented by the runners, they don’t have to worry about losing on the long-term stamina provided by consuming meat.

The most efficient way to do this is by consuming protein-rich pulses and grains like black beans, quinoa, lentils, chickpeas, chia seeds, oats, etc. Best diet for runners include a substantial amount of these items in all of their courses for optimum protein consumption. Another great alternative to consume proteins for a vegan diet includes vegan protein powder, which can act as a fitness fuel for runners before they go on their runs.

Consuming Dairy Substitutes

Bone-strengthening and protein rich properties are the two main benefits that dairy products provide. Vegan runners can substitute traditional milk with almond milk and soya milk. For dairy products like cheese, runners can swap it with cashew cheese and almond cheese.

Consuming almond milk before morning runs is the best way to effectively substitute milk in your daily diet. Almond milk is richin calcium and vitamin E, and gives your bones optimum strength along with exhibiting antioxidant properties to enhance stamina in the diet forlong distance runners.

Preparing for Long-Distance Runs

A vegan diet for long distance runners should have a proper supplement for carbohydrates and proteins. Fuelingyourself up appropriately for long-distance running requires a proper time table for vegan food consumption. A diet for summer running for long-distance runners includes foods like sweet potatoes, beetroots, oats, quinoa, and leafy green vegetables like spinach, lettuce, kale, and collards. Vegetables must be consumed 1-2 cups cooked or 3 cups raw.

For morning runs, a vegan diet must include bananas or oranges before runs, and vegan protein shake or drinks like almond milk, giloyjuice, and sugarcane juice after the run. This would help your body in recovering proteins and complex carbohydrates to keep you energetic throughout the day. For lunch and dinner, runners can use any of the food items mentioned before for their meals. Cooking in coconut oil is advised for maximum benefits of a vegan diet.

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