Pain or aches in a few parts of your body after you begin running are normal. However, a seemingly regular ache might turn out to be a serious injury. A runner needs to listen to his body. In order to affirm that you are running correctly, your body will give signs. It is important to understand such signs. Following are the list of hints that your body will give you if you are running right:

You will Feel Stronger

Running right will strengthen your immune system, and you will feel stronger. However, if you overstrain, then it might lead to a weakening of your immune system. Rather than causing frequent bouts of sickness, running should make you feel sturdier.

An Improved Mood

Running releases endorphins that help to boost mood. However, if you are overtraining, then the positive mood is overshadowed by frequent mood swings. Observe your mood after each run. These observations will help you assess your run.

Proper Sleep

A good workout will help you sleep better. It is a part of the recovery process. If you are doing it wrong, the quality of your sleep will be disrupted by fatigue and not enough downtime.


If you are running right, then you will not burn out too quickly. Finding the right pace is necessary for the run to be successful. Injuries such as runner’s knee or ankle sprains are signs that you are overtraining or are having a wrong posture. It is best to give yourself a few rest days to maintain proper form.

Increase in Appetite

High-intensity running can suppress your appetite. However, especially as a beginner, an increase in activity should also boost your metabolism. If you are running correctly, then your appetite would also increase.

It is essential to maintain a proper form while running. You should not focus on either distance or time. Make changes in your training schedule gradually. Do not rely on others’ advice, but observe how the changes that you make affect your body. A little soreness, especially as you start, is standard. However, if your pain lasts for days, then the best thing is to consult a doctor. While running, make sure that you are wearing the right shoes, running with the right technique, and are not overtraining.

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