ADHM 2009
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Entry Fees

Entry fees for the race categories are as follows:

Race Category Entry Fees *Chip Timing Fee Total Entry Fee Payable **Amount payable if availing of pledge kit
Half Marathon Rs. 300/- Rs. 200/- Rs. 500/- Rs. 600/-
Great Delhi Run Rs. 300/- N.A. Rs. 300/- Rs. 400/-
Senior Citizen Run Rs. 200/- N.A. Rs. 200/- Rs. 300/-
Wheelchair Event Rs. 200/- N.A. Rs. 200/- Rs. 300/-
*Half Marathon is mandatorily timed race categories for the ADHM 2009 edition
** The amount includes Rs. 100 as fee for availing of a Pledge Kit. This fee is NOT a charity contribution. This fee is to avail of a Pledge Kit, which in turn will help an individual to raise pledges for a cause.