We are pleased to yamunaindia organising a race for save Indian heritage “ RUN 4 YAMUNA’for awareness of people to keep Clean & Green Yamuna start at morning 06.00am on Friday,2nd October 2009 at krishan Kunj Extention Part-1 Laxmi Nagar Delhi.The running route will be Krishan kunj Ext to Akshardham Temple and back to Krishan Kunj(05kms).pls join call naveen sharma 9911083839 thank
pls join all
We are pleased to yamunaindia organising a race for save Indian heritage “ RUN 4 YAMUNA’for awareness of people to keep Clean & Green Yamuna start at morning 06.00am on Friday,2nd October 2009 at krishan Kunj Extention Part-1 Laxmi Nagar Delhi.The running route will be Krishan kunj Ext to Akshardham Temple and back to Krishan Kunj(05kms).pls join call naveen sharma 9911083839 yamunaindia@yahoo.co.in thank