The following types of posts do not facilitate healthy discussion and will be removed:
Personal Attacks Posts demeaning or attacking another member will be removed & subject you to having your membership removed.
Advertising Advertisements for a service or product will be removed.
Mean spirited attacks . Mean spirited attacks against another ADHM community member will be removed and subject you to having your membership reviewed and removed.
Link Requests / Exchanges Exchange requests & link requests of any type aren't allowed in the discussions.
Posts with Links and nothing else. If all your post says is "Click this link to learn about something" whatever that something is, your post will be removed since it isn't designed to initiate a conversation. You can link to your blog or another website; however it needs to be as a reference, not as the primary purpose of the post. The best way to determine if your post is going to be removed is ask yourself the question, "is this post primarily designed to get clicks to my site?" If the answer is yes, then there is a very good chance that your post will be removed.
Pornography & Swearing Foul language or porn will result in your posts being removed Inflammatory Discussions If a discussion becomes inflammatory, the posts in the thread will be removed.
Member Removal If a member doesn't follow these guidelines, admin will warn them. If after being warned the member continues to engage in the behaviour then the member will be banned for a period of time. If the member is banned 3 times, they will be permanently removed from ADHM community. These guidelines are about creating a respectful place for everyone to enjoy.