I think that most of us are aware of the benefits of running. It helps you stay fit and feel better about yourself. However, a problem that most of us face is how to begin. How often have you decided to go running the next day? How often has the next day arrived? In order to start and establish a routine, you have to prepare both your mind and body. So here, we have compiled a few points below that helped us and that we hope would help you as well.



Warming up your body is extremely important. It helps loosen up the muscles and increases flexibility. It reduces the stress on joints and reduces the risk of injury. In fact, a good warm-up prepares both your body and mind.

Take it Slow

Do not put unnecessary pressure on yourself. As a beginner, be realistic in your approach. Do not start off too fast. Begin slow and maintain a pace. Alternate between running and walking, and slowly increase either your running time or your pace. When you start initially, make sure to give your body a few break days in between.

The Right Gear

Choosing the right gear is also important for your body. The right pair of shoes and functional clothes would smoothen the way ahead. A simple, light shoe might help initially. However, if you have a specific goal in mind, then you have to choose accordingly. Other than that, make sure that you choose functional clothes to help keep your body dry and cool.


Set Goals

As mentioned before, you have to be realistic. Do not set goals that will be impossible to achieve. To be consistent, make a training schedule and stick to it. A training schedule will help you stay focused and keep you on a regular running schedule. Moreover, there will be a sense of achievement after  the completion of each run.

Prepare for the Next Run

As a beginner, you will feel soreness in various parts of your body. Make sure you warm-up and wear the right gear. However, there is still a possibility of minor injuries. It is equally important to prepare your mind for the same. Take breaks if necessary and start again. 


Running helps your body feel better and improves your mood. After each run, monitor your mood. Stay focused on your goals and access your progress. Observations such as these would help you concentrate and remain consistent.

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