The benefits of running are manifold, and most of us are aware of them. A lot of us have also made numerous promises to our body, and various plans to fulfil these promises. We have gone to the extent of buying functional clothes or the right pair of shoes. However, the day for the execution of the plan never comes. While it is important to prepare your body for the workout session, it is equally important, if not more, to prepare your mind for the same. It takes will-power and perseverance to establish a training routine and stick to it.

As a beginner, you will need motivation. Start by thinking about the purpose, understand the process and pledge your allegiance. You will also face hindrances. Most of them are a part of the process. Initially, your brain will focus on the technique; however, with time, you will ease into the training schedule. You also have to be realistic in your approach while you’re a beginner. Your body will need time to adjust itself to the new routine. Be patient to see the results.

A beginner’s body will take time to adapt to the right technique, to find a suitable pace. Until then take breaks between runs for your body to regain the strength, and prepare yourself mentally. You need to be ready for a possible bodyache or a muscle-pull. But don’t let injuries discourage you. In order to attain stability, give yourself a pep talk from time to time.

Some days will be more difficult than others. On such days, you need to be all the more focused and centred. Visualize your goal. Tell yourself that all these challenges will only make your accomplishments worthwhile.

With patience and consistency, you will be able to ease into the regime. As you progress, you will feel a difference. As a beginner, however, remind yourself that all good things take time. One step at a time.

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