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Knee caps rolling down
15 October 2009, 13:56:46

I've posted before, this one again is w.r.t. my mom.

As mentioned earlier she's 60 and does about 8 kms 4 days a week - 12-15-18 (or whatever) on Sundays. She prefers running with kneecaps, at least till she completes the Mumbai Half Marathon in January, 2010; after that she plans to taper off the knee cap usage. (I frankly don't think she needs the kneecaps, but if it makes her comfortable, in the short term,why not?!)

When she runs, her right kneecap rolls down to below her knee. What could be the problem? And the remedy to this?

Would appreciate a reply.

Best regards,

Re: Knee caps rolling down
Expert's Reply

Rajat Chauhan
23 October 2009, 17:56:00

Hi vishwas, can't comment much on this on-line as don't know whats happening, how much knee cap is rolling down etc. She needs to be seen either by a sports med or ortho doctor.
Take care.
